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New Mum, New Business: How to Harness Your Brainpower When Working for Yourself

Writer's picture: Lauren-Faye MillinghamLauren-Faye Millingham

Starting a business is always a challenge, but starting a business as a new mum brings a whole new level of complexity. As I’ve discovered over the last year, there’s a lot to learn about balancing the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship. Here’s my journey of harnessing brainpower while embracing both these roles.

Throughout my pregnancy and maternity leave, I had the urge to write about my experiences, but journaling seemed like a quicker way to put thoughts to paper. Now, as I embark on the adventure of starting my own business—just as my little girl is about to turn one—I feel compelled to share my thoughts and experiences. Mostly because I’ve come to realise that I have a mountain to climb!

The decision to start my business was driven by the flexibility I needed for my daughter. With no family nearby, working full-time in the office just wasn’t an option. Working for myself had always been a dream, but a distant one. Fear of failure held me back, along with a sense of not knowing how to start or run a successful business. But becoming a mum gave me a new sense of confidence I’d never felt before. I mean, if I can grow, birth, and raise a baby—surely I can do anything, right?

I knew that returning to work after a year off would be a big adjustment, but I didn’t appreciate how much brainpower would be needed. And now, working for myself, I don’t have anyone else giving me objectives or setting my goals for the next 6 to 12 months. It’s all on me, and while that’s exciting, it’s also a little terrifying!

So, I hope that by writing this blog, I can share some helpful insights and offer comfort to anyone else in a similar position. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I’m learning that that’s ok.

The Mental Shift from Employee to Entrepreneur

There have been two big mental shifts for me so far, and I want to talk about both. Whether you're going back to employed or self-employed work after having a baby, the adjustment is significant and not always easy to navigate.

The first adjustment: getting back into work. After nearly a year focused on raising a baby, changing nappies, and singing nursery rhymes, the task of writing a professional email suddenly felt monumental! It really made me appreciate what new parents go through when they return to work after a long break. Mums are often expected to pick up right where they left off, but it’s never that simple.

The second shift: going from employee to self-employed. As an employee, there’s usually structure—objectives to meet, working hours to adhere to. But when you’re self-employed, all that structure relies on your own ability to be organised, disciplined, and creative. Self-discipline is a challenge for anyone transitioning to self-employment, but even more so when you've just spent a year raising a baby.

But here’s the good news: while there are challenges to starting your own business post-baby, there’s also a strength that can be harnessed. This is what I call the Post-Maternity Mental Shift. Research from the Fawcett Society shows that 44% of women feel more ambitious after having a baby, and I can definitely relate. Whether it’s the time away from work or the new skills gained as a parent, I found I could think more creatively and felt more determined to succeed.

Tapping Into Your "Mum Power"

When thinking about returning to work—whether after maternity leave, a career break, or while starting your own business—it’s easy to focus on what you haven’t done in the last year. No emails, no meetings, no data analysis… It can feel daunting to get back into these routines.

I remember spending over an hour writing my first work-related email after maternity leave. It was only two paragraphs long, but I was so anxious about making a mistake or missing something important. Tasks I used to handle with ease suddenly felt like the hardest part of my day!

But instead of focusing on what we haven’t done, let’s celebrate what we have done! Parenting builds some truly incredible skills that are invaluable when going back to work or starting a business:

  • Heightened levels of empathy and compassion for others

  • More patience and adaptability when things don’t go to plan

  • Mastery of multi-tasking

  • The ability to make decisions under pressure

  • Great time management after juggling nursery/school drop-offs, feeding, playtime, storytime, bath and bedtimes—and don’t forget packing the baby bag every day!

These skills are priceless, and they’re born from constantly being pushed out of your comfort zone. So, next time you doubt yourself, remember what you’ve already achieved as a mum. Celebrate those accomplishments and harness that "mum power" into everything you do.

Setting Boundaries for Success

To truly harness this power, it’s essential to set boundaries that allow you to juggle family and work life effectively. Life as a parent is different now, so the way you work should adapt to avoid burnout while still pursuing your ambitions.

Here are a few tips that have helped me:

  1. Create a flexible but structured routine: Block out time in your diary for certain tasks, write down your goals for the week, and schedule time to focus on them.

  2. Build a support system at home and work: If you need flexibility, speak to your employer or clients and ask for support.

  3. Prioritise your mental health: Burnout will stop you from showing up in the way you want for your family and your work, so give yourself time to rest and recharge.

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster

Lastly, I want to acknowledge the emotional side of returning to work as a new parent. Handing your little one over at nursery or school can feel like an emotional gut-punch at first, especially if they get upset. But as our little ones grow, so must we—and growth always comes with its own set of challenges.

Life throws a lot at us, and adding the responsibility of raising a child can feel overwhelming. One thing that brought me comfort was talking to other mums. I was surprised by the community that rallied around me when I announced I was pregnant. The bond between mothers—often even strangers—is incredibly strong. Sharing experiences and support is a wonderful way to combat those feelings of overwhelm.

But above all, the most important person to have on your side is yourself. You won’t have all the answers, and at times, it will feel like too much, but that’s ok. You’ve already achieved so much! Be proud of yourself and show yourself the compassion you deserve.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you found this helpful and comforting. If there’s anything you’d like to read more about, or if you’d like to explore ways I can support you on your exciting new journey, I’d love to hear from you! Drop me a message on LinkedIn, Instagram, or through my website.

Enjoy the rest of your week,


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